MAOC-N Supports Two French Operations in the Atlantic – 2.4 Tonnes of Cocaine Seized

In the past week, the French Navy conducted 2 maritime operations off the Caribbean, resulting in the seizure of over 2400 Kg of cocaine destined for Europe.

The first target was a polish-flagged sailing vessel, which was intercepted and boarded by the French Navy asset Ventôse, 500 nautical miles off Martinique in an area widely used by criminal organizations to transfer drugs between vessels. The vessel, its respective crew and the illicit cargo have been taken to Martinique to be handed over to the French judicial authorities. Approximately 1200 Kg of cocaine were seized on board.

The second seizure relates to a flagless Service Vessel boarded by the French Navy 7 days after, in a location approximately 1230 nautical miles southeast of Martinique. This time, the French authorities were able to seize 1236 Kg of cocaine distributed by 52 bales hidden inside the vessel, when the latter was already sailing towards Europe.

Both seizures were made possible by the permanent availability of the French assets based in that part of the Atlantic, and through extensive international cooperation carried out within the scope of MAOC-N. Besides the involvement of the French Navy and French Police (OFAST), both operations had the contribution of the US Drugs Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the UK National Crime Agency (NCA).

So far this year, MAOC (N) countries have been able to seize over 30 tonnes of cocaine in operations supported by the Centre.

