The Deputy Director of the Joint Interagency Task Force South (JIATF-S) visits MAOC-N

Rear Admiral Lawrence F. LeGree, the Deputy Director of the Joint Interagency Task Force – South (JIATF-S), visited MAOC-N headquarters in Lisbon, where he and his delegation had the opportunity to meet the MAOC-N Executive Director and the Head of Operations.

This meeting served to reinforce the institutional cooperation between these two bodies, in order to discuss the most recent trends pertaining to maritime drug trafficking, and to formulate new approaches for the foreseeable future to mitigate the threats posed by transnational organized crime groups.

The JIATF – South, in conjunction with Partner Nations, leverages all-domain capabilities to target, detect and monitor illicit drug trafficking in the air and maritime domains, within the Joint Operating Area (JOA), facilitating interdiction and apprehension to reduce the flow of drugs and degrade & dismantle Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs).

The JIATF-S has been a partner with the MAOC-N since its inception in 2007.