MAOC-N supports the seizure of 100Kg of cocaine by Portuguese authorities.

A joint operation coordinated by Portugal’s Polícia Judiciária, with operational support from the Portuguese Navy and Airforce, has resulted in the seizure of 100kg of cocaine.

The cargo vessel was intercepted off the Portuguese coast and escorted to the Port of Leixões, where further inspections resulted in the discovery of the illicit cargo and the subsequent arrest of one suspect believed to be responsible for the transport. The presence of the individual on board of the vessel was unknown to the captain and crew.

It is suspected that the drugs would have been be thrown overboard in a specific location, protected in waterproof bags fitted with GPS devices. The same criminal organisation would then come and collect the illicit load.

This operation was supported by the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Colombian Armada.

Press Release:
