Over 1.6 Tonnes of Cocaine Intercepted in High-Seas International Operation

In a coordinated international effort, Portuguese authorities intercepted a fishing vessel carrying over 1.6 tonnes of cocaine in international waters, west of Cape Verde.

The Brazilian-flagged fishing vessel, with a crew of six Brazilian nationals, had been initially flagged by the Brazilian Federal Police, which was key to the outcome of the whole operation. Indeed, the intelligence shared by Brazil enabled the Portuguese Navy, working alongside the Cape Verdean authorities, to intercept and board the vessel. Once the vessel was towed to land, a concealed and expertly disguised compartment was discovered within its structure, containing 60 tightly packed bales of cocaine.

The operation, codenamed VENTOS ALÍSIOS, was carried out by the Portuguese Navy vessel with officers from the Portuguese and Cape Verdean Judicial Police on board, and was coordinated through MAOC-N. The case had valuable contributions from the US authorities, through the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and the UK authorities through the National Crime Agency (NCA).

All six crew members were detained by Cape Verdean authorities, and investigations into the smuggling network are ongoing.

Press release: https://www.policiajudiciaria.pt/operacao-ventos-alisios-pj-e-marinha-localizam-embarcacao-com-16-toneladas-de-cocaina/