The Chief of Staff of the Senegalese Navy, Rear Admiral Oumar Wade, and the Deputy Commander for the Atlantic Maritime Area of the French Navy, Jean-Marin d’Hébrail, visit MAOC-N.

On 09/02/2023, Real Admiral Oumar Wade from the Senegalese Navy, as well as Commander Jean Marin d’Hébrail from the French Navy, met the Executive Director and the Head of Operations of MAOC-N at the Centre’s headquarters in Lisbon for a joint analysis and discussion on the emergence of new maritime drug trafficking routes, with the aim of strengthening appropriate response coordination and mechanisms in the future.

Senegal has been a key strategic partner of MAOC-N, having conducted an important cocaine seizure earlier this year through an operation coordinated through the Centre.

Lieutenant Commander Guillaume de Caqueray and Customs Inspector Bertrand Desbois, both from the French Navy, were also present at the meeting, which was followed by a joint visit to the Portuguese Navy Museum in Lisbon.