Vacancy Notice – Secretarial-Admin Assistant




The Maritime Analysis and Operations Centre (Narcotics) – MAOC (N) is recruiting for the post of Secretarial – Admin Assistant for the Centre’s Headquarters in Lisbon, Portugal.

The Maritime Analysis and Operations Centre – Narcotics:

MAOC (N) is an international collaboration between nine countries: France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany and Belgium. MAOC (N) is staffed by Country Liaison Officers representing the police, customs, military and maritime authorities of the participating European nations, as well as permanent liaison officers from the United States. The Centre provides a basis for the Parties’ engagement in multilateral cooperation in the field of suppression of illicit drug trafficking by sea and by air.

The Post:

The Secretarial – Admin Assistant will be recruited as part of the funding under the European Union’s Internal Security Fund (ISFP-2020-AG-IBA-MAOC). The position is based on the working contract under the Portuguese Labour Law.

Role Summary:

To work under the supervision of the Executive Director and Project Manager to provide administration support in implementing the Centre’s activities in line with the Centre and European Commission Project objectives, thereby contributing to the successful delivery of the Organisational aims.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Travel Arrangements – travel and accommodation booking, calculation of Per Diems, documentation management;
  • Scheduling appointments, answering calls and correspondence;
  • Arranging meetings and other events, providing general support to visitors;
  • Basic bookkeeping duties – making bank payments, maintaining payments database, preparing expense reports, filing physical paperwork;
  • Office management – purchasing equipment and office supplies for the staff
  • Drafting meeting minutes

Entry Criteria:

  • Language: an excellent command of English, ideally at C1 standard or equivalent; solid command of Portuguese.
  • Good knowledge of standard financial and administrative practices.
  • Good drafting and reporting skills.
  • High level ICT skills using standard administrative software, in particular the use of Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).

Candidate Personal Qualities:

  • Ability to work in a team-oriented environment.
  • Ability to work autonomously on appointed tasks in an independent manner.
  • Personal accountability and discretion.
  • A proactive approach to work and to the development of the Centre.

Conditions of employment:

  • The gross salary provided for this post is 35,992.60€ per year. The salary is subject to national taxation (Portugal) deducted at source.
  • MAOC (N) staff members are also entitled to private health insurance and meal allowance.
  • The Secretarial – Admin Assistant is included in a horizontal career progression plan, which will take place depending on positive yearly appraisals.

Submission of applications and the selection process:

  • The application submission period is from the 6th of November to the 1st of December 2024.
  • Candidates must submit a Europass curriculum vitae (a maximum of 3 pages) and a one-page cover letter in English by email to, clearly identifying the position title being applied to in the subject of the email.
  • Successful candidates will undergo short remote interviews in December. Selected applicants will be invited to attend an interview at MAOC (N)’s headquarters in Lisbon in early January 2025 to undergo language, digital documentation management and ICT skills testing.
  • All candidates will be subject to background checks (including criminal records and police background checks).
  • The successful candidate may be expected to report for duty in February 2025.

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